Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Okay so after 3 days in the car we are here...let me say I am loving the cool weather! I think it was 72 when Stephen and Dale dropped me off at the "Shipshewana Flea Market" this morning. We are in a little cabin in the woods with no bathrooms, well they are about 50 ft from us...but is in wonderful and fun and I am about to take a nap!

Amish country in very pretty and CLEAN. There is something to say about the slower lifestyle they have chosen. I know they work really hard, the yards and farms prove that, but most things close at 8p.m. We read a children's book about the Amish and it was very good, helped with the staring this morning! It is "An Amish Year", it is by Richard Ammon and the pictures alone are worth checking it out! The story was good too, Merideth was still for the whole book. The food is okay, very rich and surprisingly expensive. We ate family style last night..fried chicken, green beans, potatoes, noodles, gravy, and chicken dressing. This was all followed by pie, and I know this will shock some of you, I didn't like it. I didn't even finish it all! I think that b/c they are so busy in the yard or field they make take shortcuts in the kitchen!! Anyway today has been fun, we got cheese and meat from a local place and are going to eat that with fresh bread for supper!

Tomorrow I think we may drive to Michigan to check it out. Our camper will be fixed so we are free to go anywhere until Friday and then it is to Chicago for the weekend. Then on to Oshkosh for a week. I don't know how much I can blog but I can check our email..hint hint!

Love, E


z said...

I love the updates!! I'm glad you liked the book - I think he's great. Miss you tons - will email!


Sister! I'm so glad you are having fun. I hope you return home renewed and refreshed. I would give ANYTHING for some fried chicken. LOL AND some terrible pie. Write when you can.