Thursday, July 10, 2008

As I type this my sweet little red headed friend is boarding a plane to another country. One she will make into a home for the next 11months and 2 weeks, not that I am counting! She is taking with her two precious children and one privileged dog, his name is Mr Beasley. The flight is a 17 hour fun fest! I am praying that the 17 hours will go so fast it is only explained divinely! I am going to miss my calls, the long ones, and her sweet nearness, funny I now consider Alabama close!! They are headed to Korea to meet up with the husband/Daddy. I know he is so excited to see them. Please pray for them as they transition. Also for the first year of "official" home schooling they will begin soon. I know she is going to do great and what a wonderful place to begin since there is no Target to distract from studies!! Cam I love you and am praying you there...and back! I hope to talk to you soon!! Love you, E

I will update more later...

1 comment:


Hi sweet friend. What beautiful words. We are settled in safely . . . still trying to in-process and get our new apartment clean. I miss you sooo much. I started to pick up the phone and call you today but figured out it was 3:30am, your time. Ooopps!! I miss you!!