Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wow! What a couple of days here we have had. Yesterday we went to Graham and helped to celebrate birthday's in our family. (photos to come later!) My Sister in law's parents and my parents. This weekend the 8th is my Daddy's 60th birthday. Seems really young to me! We did something really fun for him. Each of us kids, meaning my brother, sister and I and our families came up with 20 memories, attributes, character traits that we appreciate about him. It was really special and brought back a lot of fun memories. I really enjoyed seeing my brother and his family share theirs. He and his wife had their kids do some also and it was so moving. We have an awesome family!

Okay well I am off and running! My nieces came home with us so I am going to spend some time with them...They are fun.

1 comment:

z said...

I think you should post the list of the 20 things! Hey - finally restarted my blog - thanks for the push! Now we need to figure out how to do a webring...