Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well as we move forward with the remodel it has me thinking. Is all this work worth it? I don't do well with uncertainty, who does? So with all this going on it has me realizing that there is a lot of growing that needs to be done. With the changes to the house, just fixing it up and making it better it makes me think about what the Lord wants to remodel in my house; in me. Not to make me "look better", but that is certainly an area I need to weigh in on, but what would make me more useful to Him. Just like putting in a new oven, I need to invest, put into my life things of the Lord. I need to "invest" in my spiritual remodel if you will. Anyway hope all that makes sense! Pray with me as I journey on the remodeling left to do in my life and home!

Oh our orders still say report no later than 4 Jan. What is up with that!?! Maybe we are supposed to be there, well I know we are "suppose to" be there but when? I know I would just like some certainty, there is that word again, of when we are moving!

Well I better bolt...lots to know we MIGHT move soon!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

So, I'm going to add to your cheesy "house analogy." One thing we've noticed after living in an 85 year old house...many people remodel with cheap materials to save money. Now, much of the house is in shambles because people in the past have not remodeled with quality, long lasting products. As Christians, we also try to take shortcuts and be cheap in "remodeling" ourselves. If we continue to do this, we will crumble. It reminds me of the parable about the man who built his house on the rock vs. the man who built his house on sand. A house is full of spiritual enlightenment--I can personally testify to this one!!