Sunday, August 24, 2008

WOW...what a week we had last week. Mother and Daddy were finally able to get the grapes out. It was a fascinating, educating, fun and amazing harvest. The machine they use to pick the grapes is really neat, and the people that came out to watch and support the process were fun to see and visit with. There is supposed to be an article in one of the area papers about harvest and I will post a link when it goes out. It was wonderful to be able to take the kids with me and let them make memories at the farm. My brother and two of his girls were there and I know Dale and Merideth really enjoyed all the 4-wheeling they did!
Well I better go do the Sunday stuff around here. Small group meets here at 6 and I need to clean some! But I think I may take a nap first!
Love, E

1 comment:

Kate said...

Girl, you need to make me some wine!! ;) The pictures are precious and I'm so glad you had fun!