Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So I could really use some prayer...
So about a month ago I quit taking my medicine, Dr's advice. Part of taking it was from the post partum depression...BUT it has been 3 years since I had her so I am sure taking it was just a habit, maybe need? Anyway, increasingly I have become more agitated, either I am sleeping way more, or sleeping way less. I am just not predictable, like I fly off the handle if shoes are left out or toothpaste is not cleaned out of the sink. Little things to others but HUGE to me. I want/crave order, it makes me nicer! So now with starting in on school with sweet big brown eyed Dale I just lose it if he doesn't make the "l" perfectly straight! Oh man I am so not nice. Makes me wonder if I should even home school. Then I will just get sad, mad, have headaches. I know that I need to lose weight, really bad. But any remark, however given, sets me off. I am wondering if there is something I could do rather than meds to help. Would working out help that much with the moods? I know it would help health wise...

Okay well the neighbor kids are here so I better go and play! Oh I hope they don't smear toothpaste everywhere!!!

Love, E

1 comment:

Kate said...

"I just loose it if he doesn't make the "l" perfectly..."

Okay, first of all, Ms. Perfectionist, change the word "loose" to "lose." You did this twice, which isn't so bad, but just be aware of this since you are homeschooling! ;)

Second of all, you totally need an exercise program--NOT because of weight. You need to exercise because God gave us a great antidepressant chemicals that are released when we exercise called endorphins. It glorifies Him when you are taking care of your body. Exercise can be a wonderful act of worship! I guess I'm just going to have to call you. --Love, Your Personal Trainer