Sunday, January 18, 2009


We are headed to Las Vegas to look at houses and get an idea of the area we will be moving...I have never been.

Pray for us to have peace, and be mindful of what we really need, not what we want when it comes to our next home!!

Also please pray for our first and we pray ONLY open house this Sunday from 2-4! I am praying that we sell quick and have to move!!

I better go to bed that alarm clock will go off early!!

Oh and you can catch me on facebook, email is hard to check!! Or my cellular devise!!

Love, E


Mandi said...

Yea Vegas! I hope you will have lots of luck in the home department. I didn't know that ya'll were moving. When are you leaving Abilene?

Kate said...

I have been to Vegas and I can say that your search will be easy because every house looks the same!! Have fun with that!