Monday, October 06, 2008

So thank you to C for giving my blog a new look!

We have a lot going on here. Some whoa where did that come from stuff. Like a move. We were thinking we may be moving, were then told, no not for a we are moving. To where we are not sure...we do know that the Lord has gone ahead of us...has chosen the path, and place. We just have to trust. I do know we have some crazy places we may move, as in places we never imagined this family living. Some great for many reasons and then not great for many reasons too. So please pray for us as we wait...wait for the Lord, wait for the Air Force and Pray that we will feel and find peace. And thank you to you know who for listening and listening....oh and calling and listening....Well we will update you when we know...maybe more in the mean time but for now...we wait...

Love, E

1 comment:


Love the new look, sweet friend. Have you guys officially put your request in for assignment location? J enjoyed talking with S the other night. I'm glad they were able to do that. When are you supposed to hear anything? We're in the middle of our school day . . . Bean is trying to double up and do two days worth of work so she can take Friday off! (I'd like Friday off too, LOL) Anyway, call when you can. We're thinking of you.