Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just pray...

So here is the latest on the move...
We got a "rip" today for Stephen's training. It has him reporting 5 Jan! Okay so that is A LOT sooner than we expected. It is a TDY, which means temporary duty yonder, so that translates to the family is not included in those orders. I guess that it means the kids and I will stay here while he trains, or dear Jesus we can get our hineys in gear and sale the house then we will live in a hotel wherever Stephen is...Oh all the things to do. I feel very overwhelmed! So tomorrow my sweet Mother is coming to help me pack up the kitchen...Why you ask? So that we can tear it out for the remodel that starts on Monday. Which so happens to be the day I have an upper AND lower gi done...Fun Stuff happening here...

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