Friday, October 24, 2008


I really pray that I learn something from this waiting game we are playing with the AF....I know that where ever we live we are where we are supposed to be...I realize that our Heavenly Father has gone before us...I know all this...I just wish I knew where it is we are headed!!

I am also learning a lot from a great book S gave me. It is "Growing Godly Tomatoes". The concept is that you "stake tomatoes to a pole" so you should stake your kids to you when intense training is going on. When we have done this we get great results. So far what I have learned is that your kids will do better if you spend time with them. They will be like, act like show they spend their time with...It is very convicting and motivating. I have not read a parenting book that had me wanting to keep reading even though I need to clean house, do laundry, proof photos, take out trash, cook, rock the kids, read to them, wash my get the idea the book is good!

I better go and do all those things...

1 comment:

Kate said...

I can't go into much detail now, but let me just say that I know EXACTLY how you feel right now about waiting on the Lord!!! I'll be praying for you. As far as the book goes, I haven't read it, but we have found that it's not so much the QUANTITY of time that counts with our kids, it's the QUALITY of the time. Before I was working part-time, I was with my kids all the time, almost nonstop, and things were "normal" I guess. But, now that I am working, we've made it a point to do these things with our kids EVERY day: laugh out loud with them, look deeply into their eyes and savor that moment, listen to them, and learn something new with them. Also, we try to let our kids be who God made them to be...not try to make them into some sort of robotic kids. Since we've been doing this, I have seen so much more "fruit" from my kids--they are really learning, and in the process, we are learning, as well. Anyway, sorry to ramble. I'll have to check that book out. I'll be praying for you guys, as you wait patiently!