Saturday, January 12, 2008

So around the homestead we are doing a remodel to our home. I say we but not really we actually are paying someone to do the tile work. Husband and I are doing a little work. I am cleaning up the messes left behind by others, he is tearing out carpet and funding the work! Travis is laying the tile, he is doing a great job. We are doing 2 baths, our family room/kitchen and are getting the painted brick fireplace slated. It is a lot of work and a HUGE mess! That and trying to potty train Meri and oohh, it is enough to make me want to run away! (at least I don't have pipes hanging out and 2 to potty train!) anyone with tips on potty magic send 'em my way! I am trying the nail polish reward like a certain friend that has twin girls..we will see if it works here!! Anyway I digressed....

I have posted a photo to show the work in progress! Those who know me know I HATE mess. So the kids and I are heading to the farm for a few days to stay with Nonnie and Poppys. Dale can ride his bike all over and Meri can chase her cats all she wants!! I will post more soon...hopefully!!

Pray the progress goes quickly!! I know we are blessed to be able to do this work on our home...just pray it all goes as planned!!



1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm the one with twin girls E was referring to--hi! Here's another suggestion for the nail polish: buy the polish that dries in 60 seconds, not the regular stuff. Meri might sit still for it to dry, but my girls haven't done well with that! Also, every now and then let Meri go with you to the store to pick out a new color. This will keep her interested. I did blue polish this week and my girls have only had a couple of accidents (as opposed to the dozens they had before).

And, E, I'll pray for you while you are remodeling! It's tough!! Keep posting pictures. Love ya!!