Thursday, January 17, 2008

She is coming to TOWN SHE IS REALLY COMING TO SEE ME...that and her kids, big and little...oh I am going to PEE my pants I am so excited. Well S is going to come on Monday and we are going to sew, paint nails, bake, pray, braid hair, drink coffee, eat, laugh, sew, take pictures, EAT, watch movies,pray and have SO MUCH FUN!! I am excited can you tell...

isn't it cool when God answers prayer, we are hearing from Him lately and I am so excited to see what all HE is going to do!! Keep me accountable!

Oh so the remodel is about 1/2 done...the fireplace looks like a work of art...the house is a MESS....BUT S IS COMING!!!!!

love, e

1 comment:

Kate said...

Am I a little jealous? YES!!!!! Have fun and think of me while you're having girl time!