Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just life going on.

Newest photos of the kids...I am sure you have all been wanting to see their angelic little faces...

Well we are just trucking along here. Right now I am researching home school curricula for next year. UGH...I normally let my friends do this for me! But I am looking into the suggestions of what we will use a little more intently this year. There are so many good ones but for every good one there is a bad one or one that does not fit what we need or how we do school. So I am looking at them all again. It helps to have friends that have done this before!! I really enjoyed My Father's World last year with Dale, and we have a few weeks left to go before we are done so now is the time to decide what we are going to use for next year. And when I say next year I don't mean "next year" I mean for 1st grade. I know we will need some review to keep up until I make the decision once we are done but if I have the next years stuff then we can just move right into that. Anyway I am sure this is boring to some...The things I look for in curriculum is that is has to use the Bible, meaning it goes to it for a lot of what I teach. With MFW it did/does. For example for the letter A it used Apple...then went on to the fruits of the spirit. It went into character and then also nutrition. I loved how it all ties together. So that is what I am looking for. I am not against using MFW again but I want to make sure it is the best for us. Anyway enough about HS.

I have started doing a new Bible study and love it. THANKS Krista and Donna for the encouragement to do this study. Of course being so sick last week I missed another lesson but am keeping up with the homework and am really learning and enjoying it a lot. I am doing the "Esther" study by Beth Moore. Also in our small group we are studying the spiritual gifts. I find this fascinating. I can tell you what Stephen's is but mine is being elusive! It is great and reminds me to use the potential that I am to God's glory.

Well I better go and fix lunch for our company...




Well, I for one loved the pictures of your two angels. Let me know when you get your WP in... I'd love to hear all about it.

Kate said...

I loved the pictures, too! And good luck finding the right school stuff...I can't imagine how daunting this task is! I would probably just be lazy and mooch off my friends ;)

Mandi said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I wanted to send you a pic of an outfit that you could make that is like those pants you showed me. Could you email me at and I will send it to you. Thanks!