Sunday, March 25, 2007

It is funny to me that he still has baby hands. I LOVE that he does. He still sleeps like a bunny too. Dale tells EVERYONE that he is about to be 5 and that he is going to have a BIG party for his birthday. The problem is his birthday is not until November!! Merideth is the next birthday around our house! He is so sweet and cute and thougthful. I love him so. He is getting into the swing of things with Miss Meme having a b-day. He thinks she might want some dragons or snakes. She might; but I think she would rather have babies or dress up clothes!! Anyway just a glimpse into our lives around here!!


Kate said...

Little boys are sooooo sweet! I love the pictures.

Jess said...

Hi friend, randomly found your blog from Christin. CUTE pics!!! Enjoyed chatting with you today!