Tuesday, October 02, 2012

week 8

YAY....week 8 sounds so great!  We have covered most of North America and will head on down to South America when we begin week 9.  The schedule is working out so well, we are going to take 2 weeks off then begin again!  During the 2 weeks off we are going to travel.  I am so excited!  We are going to Albuquerque for the hot air balloon festival.  We will be back for the weekend then we are going to Texas to see our family.  Can't wait!!  It will be a quick trick since we live closer and can go visit more often!

Meri Ellis is doing so wonderful with school and piano.  We are so proud of her.  She is reading so great and is really in love with books just like I am!  I can't believe we let her but she can drive a small motorcycle too!  I think she prefers the 4 wheeler though!!

Dale is great too.  He is enjoying the country life by catching spiders, tarantulas and other sorts of bugs!  He had a snake but it died, THANK YOU LORD!  He enjoys working on his fort and just being outside.  He is fascinated with WWII now and is so knowledgeable too!  He and his Papa have enjoyed watching and reading commentaries about the different battles and air craft!

I better run, Meri Ellis has piano and we need to head to town!!

1 comment:

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Hello my friend... somehow I missed this post but I am glad I noticed it now...

I will be in NM for my missions trip during the time of the Hot Air Ballon Festival but I dont think I will be able to see any... maybe one year I can plan it out to be in NM for the Hot Air Ballon Festival... we shall see.