Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Better late than never to post this one!

I think it would be really easy to fall back into the terrible routine of "just barely" doing school.  By that I mean doing "just enough" to count as school.  Not truley education my precious children.  I have not and am not doing that.  This is my JOB and I love it!  ...well most days!  Somedays it would be nice to not have a job and just drink coffee and sew!  Which leads me to I am getting that set up today!!  OH HAPPY DAY to have the sewing room/closet again!

We are going into week 4 this week.  I still have not begun foreign language or spelling for Dale.  I am not worried about those two, well maybe spelling.  We have been consistent in getting it all done otherwise and that is good.  I am ordering his spelling today.  Living here makes it hard just because there are no education stores.  But I have the internet! 

Meri Ellis is doing good.  She falls into the routine of, "I can't do this" and whines...OH JESUS HELP ME!  She needs me to be right by her the entire time she does school.  And that is different than Dale.  He is pretty independant at his work.  Oh she is a toot!  LOVE HER!

I was talking with a precious friend last week about being able to share and be real with others.  It seems to me that secrets or trials love the dark and it would be best to bring them to the LIGHT!  So I am gonna be real here.  (I think I have been mostly!)  Here are some prayer requests!
*Me and food, health overall and getting to the gym!
*School for kids
*Pray we can get into a routine!
*Godly friendships for all!

Stephen's dream shop is almost done!  It is a 30x50 and I pray he doesn't move out there!!

Gotta go!!  LOVE YOU READER!


Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

I'll be praying for you....

Pray for me to have wisdom and follow God in whatever He asks me to do... I received an email yesterday about a job in Grand Rapids Michigan working for Family Christian Book Stores and Good Goers (the organization my missions trips are with)

Although for me it would be a HUGE step of faith and very scary, I don't want to just write it off because I am scared...

I am here to do whatever God's will is for me.

Love you and miss you!

Elizabeth said...

Oh sweet Lizzie, WE are PRAYING!! You are such a treasure to SO many but especially our FATHER!