Thursday, March 06, 2008

This just STINKS. I would use stronger language but worry someday the words will come back to haunt me! Well to make a long story and even longer day short, weather is Texas changes so fast that we had/have a snow storm that makes big idiots of Texas drivers. So much have they become idiots that they wrecked my trip to see my two dear friends. Ohh couldn't they just SEE my BOISE STATE sticker that shows I know how to drive and then SLOW down...NOOooo. They flipped me off, honked at me, then a mile down the road slid off into the bar ditch. They cause a pile up which took over an hour to get past...then, to add insult to injury (my heart is sad) I hear the roads in Dallas are getting worse and will be so bad in the morning, I had by this time decided to change my afternoon ticket to Friday morning, that I didn't feel it was safe to go to the airport. So the entire weekend, the one the 3 of us planned so much, prayed so much and wished so much for has been canceled. I know we will reschedule, and soon hopefully, but I was set for THIS weekend, THIS time! Oh well...thanks for all the prayer buddies. I will post a more "happy" entry later. I am trying to think of positives, one I came up with is I can watch Lost with Stephen...ok well I better go clean up the mess that had already started in my home....I was only gone for 5 hours!!


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