Monday, November 05, 2007

Well the entire time my husband has been away I have not blogged about it. Well, now I am ! I am going to say THANK YOU to my family and close friends that have made the time so much easier for myself and the kids. We are at the end of the deployment and I have a favor to ask. Could you all please pray that he gets home for Dale's birthday! We are thinking that Stephen may be allowed to fly "space A" home. This is a fancy way of saying hitching a ride with an air force plane. So far this looks good and he will make it home in a few days! However AF planes are notorious for breaking down! Often in obscure places, so just pray for a safe and fast trip home. Also that he will be here on Sunday, we are thinking. Schedule changes are really hard for me!

Wow! I cannot believe it has been 6 months already!! I know that the transitions for us all will be emotional. I just know we are excited about DADDY being home!! Yeah! Here is a photo of him with the kids before he left...these were actually taken the night he left. I love them.

1 comment:

z said...