Friday, October 27, 2006

Okay so I know some of you have been wanting some new photos of the they are!!

Dale and I at the dinosaur park in Glen Rose. And Dale and Merideth at a photoshoot they came too.

Now here are some random thoughts I had...

It's the funny little things that bother is weird. Just hit me.
For example I don't think anything but hot things should be drank from "coffee" cups, or I don't really like the sound of clapping. Anyway just a couple of really odd things.

I hope that you have a great weekend..I am off to Graham tomorrow for a couple of photo shoots and proofing sessions. I love going there. I get to see Bob and Sonja and the girls.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Cute pictures! Your hair is awesome! You know what bothers me? I don't like opening cans of biscuits or croissants. You know--that kind that you peel back the label and it pops open. It kinda scares me. I usually have Aaron open it for me. We all have our quirks!