Friday, June 29, 2007

Dot and Merideth June 13th

So lot's going on here...

Dale and Merideth have been BUSY! They are like "two peas in a pod" and get into a lot together! Dale decided it would be a "good" idea to bathe Meri and put her into our big tub fully clothed and they bathed. Swam is more like it. The floor was soaked and we have carpet in the bathroom. (the previous owners did that!) Anyway they have also figured out they like to howl together, fun sounds! Miss Meri fed the fish...two cans of food! It is a big mess and is still stinky. I have cleaned it up as good as I can. Merideth ate 12 children's tylenol and Dale is just busy! WOW!

We have a sad item to report and that is the death, or murder, of our beloved rabbit Dot. The dogs got into the courtyard and killed her. They knew they were in trouble when I went out there...they ran back into their yard. I was so sad, still am. We are going to get another bunny, they are great pets.

Last night I went to a very fun party. It was for our Sunday School women. We all got together and had fondue. Oh my goodness it was fun. Not great on L A Weightloss but oh it was good! Great fellowhsip too and that is what I was needing. Ladies remember that even though we may be the primary caretakers of our homes, children, and husbands we also need to take care of ourselves too. To me that means spending time in the word, eating right (this is a very hard one for me!), resting and spending time with our sisters in Christ.

Well everyone have a great day!


Monday, June 04, 2007

Above are some photos we took a few days after Merideth's birthday. Most of you know why I love them so much.

Things are good. Dale just got over a big sick. Praying Meri doesn't get anything and that I can keep this cold at a minimum! Yes M; I have taken my allergy meds!

This week is VBS so we are BUSY! I will update more soon!
Love, E